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Some of us have big ginormous hearts.  This is a calling.  A purpose.  Loving people right where they are.  It is sometimes hard and it tugs on our heartstrings, but this is how we can know for sure that we are most alive.  This is where God lives.

God does give us dreams.  For me,  it has always been to use the gifts and talents that He has given me to serve for a purpose.  A purpose greater than my self.  All for God’s glory.

A few months ago, we were given an opportunity ( a dream) to go out and serve the homeless in our community.  When we said YES, we would go and  when we went with out hesitations or limitations. It left a lot of room for God to move and to work.  We had no idea the impact it would have.  We learned more from our conversations with them than they ever would from us. Our hearts were broken and we were forever changed by it.  This is now one of our most favorite place to be.  These are our new friends.

Do not be afraid to go out and love others that you may think are different from you.  You will find that you have more in common than you realize.  It is all only by God’s goodness, mercy and grace that any of us have anything. Love bridges the gaps and can heal wounds.  Love lifts the spirit and is a universal language.


Inspiring Moments

Happy Sunday! It was an interesting week at the salon. There was a lot going on. It was a busy one for sure. And for that we are truly blessed!

One story that stuck out was an act of service. This one tugged on my heartstrings. It was a special day and this particular client came in to have her long hair donated. This was in honor and remembrance of some one very special who had lost his battle with cancer. This special day was his earthly birthday. This was her inspiration to have eleven inches cut off.  So, we placed it in a ponytail and we lobbed it off!  Created a new haircut and added a bit of color. She is beautiful and so is her act of service.

It is in these moments that I realize that there is way more to the story.  She could have gone anywhere and had this done, but she chose J. Andrews Salon. In fact, she has chosen me as her stylist for several years now.  For many of us at the salon, it is about building relationships with our customers. Walking with them through the good and the bad. Smiling with them when things are right in their world and crying with them in their brokenness. This is so completely humbling and so rewarding all at the same time. It is in these moments that I am reminded that we serve a purpose greater than ourselves.  It is always such a gift and an honor to share in these precious moments. It is our inspiration and one of many reasons why we love what we do.


I would love to hear from you.  Leave your comments and questions.