I Stopped Wearing a Watch on Sundays

We talk about time and how fast it always goes by. Every weekend I felt it come and go as fast as my occasional Dairy Queen Blizzard. No lie, that fast!

I would wake up on Monday and question if we even had a weekend. They went by so fast and I found this to be true of my vacations and of any time off for that matter. So, I decided to try something. I decided to not wear my watch anymore on Sunday. I did this for about a month, this then lead to not wearing my watch on Saturday which has now lead to not wearing a watch on any days off.

What I discovered is that time did indeed actually slow down. I no longer feel the need to glance at my watch to see where we are on time. I no longer feel the dread of I only have this much time left to get all the things in and done before the weekend is over.

This one simple gesture has allowed me to be more present with family and to be more free with the time that I have been gifted. It has opened up so many doors for some pretty amazing conversations. Unrushed, unhurried, laughter included.

If I could encourage you to put away your watch and what you think your time should look like. To just give it a try for one weekend and just be. Be present in the moments. Wherever and whatever that looks like for you and just see what happens.

“The greatest wasteland in all of our earth… our waste of time that God has given us each day.” -Billy Graham Peace For Each Day.


Season 2

Bread. Faith. Life

Who in a million years would have ever thought I would be learning to make homemade bread? Inspired by a friend, I decided to give it a try. Can I tell you something? It has been so therapeutic for me and honestly I have felt like baking bread is helping me heal a bit. It has given me time to reflect and in doing so it got me to thinking a lot about Jesus. Did you know that bread is mentioned hundreds of times in scripture? Bread is physical nourishment for our bodies but Jesus is The Bread Of Life that feeds us spiritually. I am reminded of God’s goodness in The Lord’s Prayer and His provision for His people all through out scripture. Bread represents life, community and togetherness. In His brokenness it symbolized His forgiveness of our sins and the promise of eternity. Bread. Faith. Life

“I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry again. Whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” (John 6:35 NLT)

“Our Father in heaven hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.” (Matthew 6:9-13 NIV)

“How many loaves do you have?” he asked. “Go and see.” (Mark 6:38 NIV)

I added this Amazon Link to make it easy for you to order the bread pans that I used to make the bread pictured above. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualified purchases.

Gifts Of Grace & Mercy

I am so thankful for my Jesus. I share this in hopes of encouraging you. It is not because I feel the need to gain attention, or sympathy. It is because I truly feel it is important to be transparent with our struggles. Life isn’t always perfect and it can be tough sometimes. We all walk through different seasons that can be trying from time to time. I only share this as a reminder that we can take heart in our faith and in our community. We can learn together to trust that through our imperfections the Lord can and will take them and make good come out of it. And maybe that’s the whole point anyway, so that He can use our imperfections to not only grow us but to help grow others too.

I was recently hacked. I lost a lot of money and our social media presence online that we had built for nearly 15 years was completely gone without recovery. We really needed it to help us to promote and to help grow the business. Learning the hard way that the algorithms are tied to the lost. It makes it super difficult and a slow process to rebuild. I have been afraid that people won’t want to work with us and won’t take us serious because we don’t have much of a following anymore. And to add to it we received a couple of bad reviews online that sealed the discouragement and left me questioning how do we even comeback from all of this?

Reading from a devotional this week out of New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp dated September 22nd I found it encouraging because I had also received a few not so nice text messages that really hurt my heart and I am not going to lie. It all stung worse than a sunburn. Like a straight up massive gut punch to my heart that completely sucked every ounce of air out of my sails. Especially when it’s tied to my faith and my heart is to love people well but instead made a mess of things.

It can be easy to lose ourselves along with our self confidence and esteem when we allow our identity to be defined by all the noise of the world. It can sometimes shuffle in louder than the truth and keep us discouraged, distracted and stagnant in our purpose. But It can also be used to get us back to exactly where we should be. But God.

He sends us people to remind us of the truth of God’s word and whose we are because of who Jesus says we are. We are not defined by our mistakes, failures and lies. He gives us safe landing spaces to share about our struggles and the concerns of this life. People that are not afraid to speak truth in love into our lives, who will pray with us and for us. Accountability partners that allow us to be able to take a moral inventory of ourselves without judgement. Safe space to process and to heal as we learn to forgive each other and ourselves.

Sometimes God does allow trivial trials both big and small to enter into our lives to prune us and to shape us, to give us hope in to what He wants for us. Where what seems impossible becomes the possible and it doesn’t always look like what we think it should. The breaking and the rebuilding can be both painful and beautiful all at the same time. It is true that not all is wasted and what looks like failure can actually grow into our biggest blessings in disguise.

Don’t give up because someone somewhere needs what you have to offer. Your friendship, your kindness. Your love and prayers. Your advice. Your safety for others to be able to show up as their true authentic self with. There is so much we get to share out of the abundance of our hearts, gifts of grace and mercy to give and to receive. So keep going and believing and trusting in the only One who can truly make All the difference. Our world is waiting.



On Monday night I decided to break out my new Christmas present. An instant pot. I thought that it would be a great idea to cook 15 bean soup in it. I have cooked this numerous times before on the stove or in a slow cooker but this was our first time having it in an instant pot. I was so excited and noticed that it cooked super fast and tasted different. It tasted so much better. It smelled amazing and had all this flavor. I was so curious and fascinated. I was really amazed at how fast it cooked. I asked my husband because I was so worried that somehow it was changing the molecular structure of our food. Did it work like a microwave etc? My husband explained to me that it was just the heat and pressure that helped it cook. He said, “Catharyn, what do you think happens to things when they get put under pressure?” That got me thinking. Fast forward to later this week. This was the analogy that God used to help me understand. Here we are as God’s people feeling a bit of pressure. Sometimes, it is when we as God’s people are put under pressure that we will release an aroma, a flavor that represents Jesus. God is God. He is on His throne and He is in control. He can do and use anything He chooses. What if this is God’s way of waking up His people to action? What if this is His way of spreading the gospel? We have been given and blessed with this amazing opportunity to participate in the sharing of Jesus, who He is, what He did and His love for all people. Jesus is our only hope. It is not found in anything of this world. Let it be known through our faith, hope, love and action.

Dry Brushing

5 things that I learned about dry brushing! Why I absolutely love it and why I made it a part of my daily ritual.

  1. Exfoliates the skin.
  2. Helps our bodies rid itself of toxins.
  3. Helps with circulation & Increases energy.
  4. Stimulates the lymphatic system.
  5. Helps break down cellulite.

Dry brush by using gentle long strokes starting at your feet and working up always brushing toward your heart.

I found this little gem through an amazing movement! A friend introduced me to a tribe of women. Hope Dealers on fire to bring forth goodness for a purpose greater than themselves. I would love to share more with you and introduce you! Please feel free to reach out to me through email, FB or Instagram.


Joy Anisa sits down with stylist to have a conversation about grief.

The Arrojo American Wave and why you want to try it.

What is the Arrojo American Wave?  An Arrojo American Wave is a hair service that creates natural looking curl patterns using an innovative ionic lotion that that does not damage the cuticle when applied properly by a licensed professional certified stylist.   Using soft tools, it reduces the stress on the hair allowing  frizz control , added texture, created movement with volume.

Last spring I was finally able to slow down long enough to get the Arrojo American Wave for myself.   My hair is super straight and does not curl easy.  I was so impressed and absolutely fell in love with it.  I mean I loved everything about it .  My waves were soft with no damage to my hair.  There was no line of demarcation meaning there was no cuticle blow out and did I mention that I color my hair.  My curls gradually softened as it grew out and only got better with time. It lasted for nine months and would have lasted longer had I not decided to cut my hair.

There is the Arrojo American Wave and The Arrojo American Color Wave.  Both are available through a licensed professional certified stylist.  I highly recommend this service to control frizz, add texture, create movement and add volume.  The Arrojo American Wave allows the stylist the ability to work with clients to create endless possibilities.

This service is available in J. Andrews Salon located in Warner Robins Ga. After learning the science behind this product by attending a class in Sacramento California and becoming Arrojo American Wave certified in 2014.   I felt every stylist at J. Andrews Salon  should have this same opportunity and is now certified.


Personal Mission Statement

Photo by Catharyn Ley

I’ve never written a personal mission statement before now. I have written one for my company and I was in the process of writing a new one when the idea hit that now is a good time to write a personal mission statement. Here it is.

  1. Keep God first.
  2. Keep God’s word impressed on my heart and put it into action.
  3. Love my neighbor as myself.
  4. Pray for my enemies, (what good is it to only love the ones who love me).
  5. Forgive.

I have decided to step into this new year with fresh eyes and a fresh heart. Releasing and letting go of the things that are no longer needed to make room for the new that God wants to do in my heart. I pray to live a life well spent with a purpose that only brings God glory.

When I started this writing process, something shifted and a stirring began to build in my heart. Putting this in writing brought a little clarity. I am looking forward to this new year. God is working in my life and in my family. Guiding our path and writing our story.

I still don’t know what is store for 2019 but I believe God’s plans for us are good. He alone is our source and supply. In Him we find hope and a resting place for our trust.

I only share this to inspire and encourage you to open your heart to Jesus and let Him change your life. Maybe you will be encouraged to want to write your own personal mission statement.